
2023 臺灣—北歐永續能源論壇:未來新能源 (報名表單)

Nov. 10, 2023, 4:35 p.m.

Nordic-Taiwan Sustainable Energy Forum-the Future Energy


北歐三國(丹麥、瑞典、芬蘭) 已連續三年與臺灣聯合舉辦能源圓桌會議及產業論壇,今年與經濟部能源署共同主辦「2023 臺灣-北歐永續能源論壇-未來新能源 」,邀請北歐專家及業者來臺,特別聚焦於未來能源轉型的趨勢及新型再生能源的解決方案,包括氫能、海洋能、生質能等及相關應用,邀請產業各方參與交流,歡迎有興趣的民眾及廠商免費報名參加。名額有限,額滿為止!

The Nordic (Denmark, Sweden, Finland) have jointly hosted the Nordic Sustainable Energy and Environment Forum with Taiwan for three consecutive years. This year, in collaboration with the Energy Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, the "2023 Nordic-Taiwan Sustainable Energy Forum-the Future Energy" will be held, inviting Nordic experts and industry professionals to Taiwan. Join us on November 22nd as experts from the Nordic and Taiwan would share and exchange ideas on the future energy transition trends and solutions for advanced renewable energy, including hydrogen energy, ocean energy, biomass energy and related applications. Limited seats are available. Registration will be closed once full.

【Date】November 22nd, 2023 (Wednesday)

【Time】1:30 PM to 6:00 PM

【地點】TICC台北國際會議中心1樓 101AB室
(地址: 台北市信義路五段1號)
【Venue】Taipei International Convention Center (TICC) 1st Floor, Room 101AB
(Address: No. 1, Section 5, Xinyi Road, Taipei City)

【Admission Fee】None

【Registration】Online registration only. On-site registration will not be accepted. 

【Registration Deadline】Registration closes on November 15th, or earlier if the maximum capacity is reached.

瑞典貿易暨投資委員會台北辦事處 潘靖 (02)27576573#24
芬蘭商務辦事處 張弘毅 (02)2720-5705
丹麥商務辦事處 許韋婷 (02)3518-1703

【Contact Person】
Erin Pan, Business Sweden (02)27576573#24
Hung-Yi Chang, Business Finland (02)2720-5705
Wei Ting Syu, The Trade Council of Denmark Taipei (02)3518-1703

【主辦單位】經濟部能源署、芬蘭商務辦事處、瑞典貿易暨投資委員會台北辦事處及丹麥商務辦事處【Organizers】Energy Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs ; Finland Trade Center in Taiwan ; The Swedish Trade and Invest Council ; The Trade Council of Denmark, Taipei

【Co-organizer】Industrial Technology Research Institute

網站瀏覽人數: 99836