崇越攜手新東向聯盟與捷克產業代表簽署MOU 拓展歐盟半導體商機
Feb. 1, 2024, 6:52 a.m.
「崇越攜手新東向聯盟與捷克產業代表簽署合作備忘錄」上午在台北國際會議中心舉行,捷克台灣 商會會長黃鴻章(左起)、台灣新東向全球產學研聯盟協進會理事長郭智輝、捷克經濟文化辦事處 Mr. David STEINKE、外交部次長謝武樵、經濟部次長陳正祺、捷克國家半導體集群(Czech National Semiconductor Cluster)代表托馬斯·西維切克、崇越科技執行長李正榮等出席合作簽署 儀式。(聯合報記者曾學仁/攝影)
隨台積電計畫在德國東南方的德勒斯登設立12吋晶圓廠,帶動周邊國家半導體生態系發展。「捷克半導體投資商機說明會」今2月1日上午於TICC台北國際會議中心盛大舉行,由台灣新東向全球產學研聯盟協進會(TeaLa,簡稱新東向聯盟),偕同捷克經濟文化駐台辦事處、捷克台灣商會,邀請專家顧問和產業先進,探討捷克投資環境;並於會中與捷克國家半導體集群(Czech National Semiconductor Cluster)代表托馬斯·西維切克(Tomáš Sivíček),及企業代表─崇越科技李正榮執行長簽署合作備忘錄。
崇越科技攜手新東向聯盟,與捷克產業代表簽署合作備忘錄。右起為崇越科技執行長李正榮、台灣 新東向全球產學研聯盟協進會理事長郭智輝、捷克國家半導體集群代表 Tomáš Sivíček、捷克台灣 商會黃鴻章會長。(圖/崇越科提供)
崇越科技組半導體供應鏈平台 拓銷國際市場
新東向聯盟攜手捷克台商會 降低台商落地阻礙
◆崇越科技:整合半導體及高科技等產業所需之精密材料、製程設備與零組件,以穩定的品質、準確的交期、迅速的服務滿足客戶需求,提供半導體供應鏈整體解決服務方案,從前段晶圓製造至後段CoWoS和3D IC封裝測試的優勢商品。
◆捷克中華民國臺灣商會:旨在促進台灣在捷克的台商及台籍人士團結互助 ,並協助「捷克企業」與「台灣企業」在各項領域交流合作的平台組織。
◆捷克國家半導體集群(Czech National Semiconductor Cluster, CNSC):於2022年成立,將屬於半導體價值鏈的捷克學術和工業學科結合,積極致力於捷克共和國在半導體價值鏈中的先進地位,包括參與歐洲重要項目,如 IPCEI ME/CT、ChipsAct 等;為世界上最大的電子產業集群網路 – Silicon Europe 的成員。
台灣新東向全球產學研聯盟協進會 鄭宗宜秘書長 +886-955-985638 [email protected]
崇越科技 吳律頤 公關 +886-979-050-291 [email protected] LINEID: LUYIWU
Topco collaborates with TeaLa and signs MOU with Czech industry representatives to expand semiconductor opportunities in EU
Aligned with TSMC's plan to establish a 12-inch wafer fab in Dresden, Germany, influencing the semiconductor ecosystem development in neighboring countries, the "Czech Semiconductor Investment Opportunities Seminar" took place this morning at the Taipei International Convention Center. Organized by Taiwan Eastbound Alliance - Landing America (TeaLa), in collaboration with the Czech Economic and Cultural Office Taipei and the Taiwan Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic (TCCCZ), the event featured expert consultants and industry leaders discussing investment opportunities in the Czech Republic. During the seminar, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed by TeaLa, the Czech National Semiconductor Cluster (CNSC), and TOPCO SCIENTIFIC Co. Ltd. (TAIEX: 5434) to foster collaboration.
Dr. J.W. Kuo, Chairman of TeaLa and TOPCO, stated, "Dresden is in close proximity to the Czech border and just a short drive from the capital, Prague. With the regional supply chain synergy and the Czech Republic's industrial and economic strength, coupled with its geographical advantage, the prospects for the semiconductor industry in the Czech Republic are promising."
In line with customer demands, TOPCO, the leading integrated service provider in the semiconductor and high-tech key materials sector, is considering establishing a presence in Europe. The goal is to provide comprehensive solutions for the semiconductor supply chain, including IC foundry services, front-end wafer manufacturing, advanced back-end packaging, pre-owned equipment and spare parts services, as well as integrated solutions for plant construction and factory management systems. Additionally, it will assist the supply chain with services such as specialized chemical warehousing logistics, technical support, market analysis, and other value chain services.
TOPCO has actively developed an international semiconductor supply chain platform in recent years. In 2021, it established TOPCO USA in Phoenix, Arizona, followed by the founding of SHUNKAWA in Japan in 2022 and an office in Kumamoto, Japan, in August 2023. These expansions aim to serve nearby semiconductor manufacturers such as JASM and SONY, adapting to the regionalization of the supply chain in Southeast Asia, with bases in Singapore, Malaysia, and Vietnam catering to ASEAN customers for localized production.
TOPCO Group Chairman, Dr. J.W. Kuo, commented, "TOPCO has built a robust semiconductor product supply chain management system, offering comprehensive services such as technical support, product testing, and quality assurance. We continue to provide on-site services for customers, including TSMC Germany fab, JSMC Japan fab, and GlobalFoundries Singapore fab."
TeaLa, in collaboration with TCCCZ and the Czech National Semiconductor Cluster, aims to significantly enhance mutual cooperation, creating a win-win situation for the semiconductor industries in Taiwan and the Czech Republic.
Serving as a crucial gateway between Western and Eastern Europe, the Czech Republic, often referred to as the "Heart of Europe," stands out as one of the world's most developed countries based on various economic, social, and political indicators. Besides being a pillar of the economy through the automotive industry, the electrical engineering and electronics sector constitutes the second-largest industry.
Given its proximity to Dresden and attractive government incentives, the Czech Republic emerges as a strategic outpost for Taiwanese businesses aiming to position themselves in the EU market. The collaborative efforts between Taiwan and the Czech Republic in academia, industry, and research are expected to yield remarkable results.
▍Signing Units of MOU
◆TeaLa facilitates collective efforts for international investment in Taiwanese enterprises, connecting various sectors including industry, government, academia, and research. By leveraging the local presence of global Taiwanese businesses, TeaLa aims to empower Taiwan's supply chain to seize opportunities in the international industrial restructuring, gain investment insights, nurture global talents, and create new global values for Taiwan.
◆TOPCO specializes in selling precision materials, process equipment, and components required by industries such as semiconductors and high technology. With stable quality, accurate delivery, and prompt services, TOPCO meets customer needs and provides comprehensive solutions for the semiconductor supply chain, spanning from front-end wafer manufacturing to back-end CoWoS and 3D IC packaging testing.
◆TCCCZ, the Taiwan Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic, aims to foster unity and mutual assistance among Taiwanese businesses and individuals in the Czech Republic. It serves as a platform to facilitate exchanges and collaborations between Czech and Taiwanese enterprises in various fields.
◆Czech National Semiconductor Cluster (CNSC)established in 2022, CNSC integrates Czech academic and industrial disciplines related to the semiconductor value chain. It is actively committed to advancing the Czech Republic's position in the semiconductor value chain, participating in significant European projects such as IPCEI ME/CT, ChipsAct, and others. It is a member of Silicon Europe, the world's largest network of electronic industry clusters.
▍Press Contact
Mr. Allen Cheng, Secretary-general of TeaLa +886-955-985638 [email protected]
Ms. Luyi Wu, Project manager of Topco +886-979-050-291 [email protected] LINEID: LUYIWU
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