
捷克參議院副議長 伊日·德拉霍什參訪:強調與臺灣半導體、文化和貿易的合作

June 21, 2024, 8:47 p.m.


Last week, we hosted the Czech Senate's Vice President, Mr. Jiří Drahoš, and a powerful delegation in Taipei. Fruitful discussions with Taiwanese partners highlighted Czechia's commitment to expand our cooperation with Taiwan across sectors like semiconductors, culture, and trade. Exciting times lie ahead!

上週,我們在臺北接待了捷克參議院副議長 伊日·德拉霍什(Jiří Drahoš)先生及其強大的代表團。我們與臺灣合作夥伴進行了富有成果的討論,強調了捷克擴大與臺灣在半導體、文化和貿易等領域合作的承諾。激動人心的時刻即將到來!

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