
歡慶 捷克中心臺北成立暨捷克攝影展的開幕式!

June 21, 2024, 8:29 p.m.


Our cultural week culminated in an extraordinary event - the opening of the Czech Photography exhibition and the launch of the 捷克中心臺北 / Czech Center Taipei!

With the establishment of the Czech Center, our cultural cooperation with Taiwan will flourish with new avenues of collaboration. We're excited about the possibilities ahead!

The evening was truly magical, graced by the esteemed presence of the first Vice President of the Czech Senate, Jiří Drahoš, and Vice President of Taiwan, 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao. #CzechTaiwanCulturalExchange



這個夜晚真的很特別,捷克參議院第一副議長 伊日·德拉霍什先生和臺灣副總統 蕭美琴女士親臨現場。#捷克臺灣文化交流

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